March 26, 2013

I took a little tour around the garden today and lots of buds are covering many of the roses.  Others are just beginning to leaf out.  I'm getting anxious too see my old friends (my roses, of course) in full bloom.  I've missed them.  I think I'll make a trip to the nursery this weekend for some annuals.  I need color!

On a sadder note, the Pink Bower Vine I moved to the back garden isn't doing well.  The move sent it into severe shock and the leaves have dried up and wilted.  I watered it in well after transplanting it and have kept it moist but not soggy ever since to no avail.  I'm going to let it stay for awhile to see if it recovers.  I also moved a Pink Jasmine vine the other day about 3 feet to the left of its previous location (it was being hidden by a daylily and a rose) only to have the exact same thing happen.  If they don't improve in a week or so, I'm tossing them and planting new vines in their place.  I'll consider it a lesson learned. . .vines don't like to be moved.

I received an Annie's garden catalog the other day and saw this cute t-shirt for sale (haven't bought it yet).  Being a listener of hip hop and rap music (among other genres), I found it particularly witty.